
Quality and integration are at the very base of competitiveness.
The key factors to develop innovative products, to manage processes, to improve human resources competencies, and strengthen the relations among departments, actors, companies at the local level.
This area of expertise deals with initiatives aimed at performing a more effective service delivery system and a higher added-value for your clients; more competitive tourism products and destinations.
From the delivery of products and services to the creation and management of "experiences": something that your clients may not easily forget.
- Auditing for the tuning of the value chain and the organisation of tourism products and companies
- Quality Management programmes for products, single-unit business, group of businesses, and destination
- Development of quality labels and regulations
- Benchmarking procedures (including the organization of benchmarking trip) and tuning of best solutions/practices
- Reinforcement of public-private partnership at local level
- Technical assistance to the creation of new products and offers
- Creation and assistance to the tourism marketing/development agencies at local, regional and national level
- Identification of training needs
- Trainings/briefingsaddressed to public and private decision makers
- Development of the birdwatching product and the nature tourism in two rural areas of Emilia Romagna
- Consulting and training programmes to create a network of tourism companies in the Garfagnana and Media Valle area in Tuscany
- Development of intermodal routes of slow and sustainable tourism in the province of Rovigo (Veneto)
- Technical assistance to create a network with the tourism operators of a hilly area in the province of Ravenna (Emilia Romagna)
- Definition of a model of tourism governance for the Tuscany region
- Development of itineraries and model of sustainable management in the area of Basso Biferno (Molise)
- Development of food and wine itineraries in Molise
- Development of SLOW TOURISM in the regions of the Adriatic; definition of operational guidelines and training activities for tourism operators
- Construction of a quality label for the common use of the natural parks of the Adriatic region
- Development of the Tourist District Taormina-Etna (Sicily)
- Technical assistance to the development of tourism in the coastal area of the Bocche di Cattaro (Montenegro), in collaboration with Economisti Associati company
- Development of TRANSROMANICA, the Romanesque Routes of European Heritages along 5 regions in Europe (Italy, 2 regions in Germany, Austria and Slovenia)
- Training for the consortium of municipalities of Grecìa Salentina
- Development of ADAPT "La città turistica del 2000" European Project
- Training Project PASS in Agrigento
- Consulting to the creation of National Tourism board of Slovenia
- Creation of the national system of hotel classification for Slovenia
- Large scale Training Programme on tourism for private and public operators in Slovenia
- Research-Training-Action: a project for the development of environmental tourism in Bellaria Igea Marina
- Technical assistance and training programme to develop a product club/association on the segment of sport tourism
- Training programme and technical assistance to develop a tourism consortia in Puglia
- Creation of a quality network for birdwatching in Po Delta Park
- Alia Project: creation of packages and itineraries on cultural events and issues in Bologna, addressed to European youth segment
- Several training/briefing programmes addressed to tourism entrepreneurs in Italy and abroad
CLIENTS (examples)
Organisations and Public Entities:
- Municipality of Agrigento
- Province of Modena
- Province of Ravenna
- Province of Rovigo
- Province of Treviso
- Unione Comuni del Basso Biferno
- World Bank Institute
Promotion and Development Agencies:
- Unioncamere Toscana
- Toscana Promozione tourism agency
- Chamber of Commerce of Udine
- Municipalities of Grecìa Salentina Consortia (Puglia)
- Municipality of Bologna - University of Bologna Consortia
- GAL Delta 2000
- GAL Innova plus
- GAL L'Altra Romagna
- GAL Montagna Leader
- Taormina Etna Consortia
Private companies:
- Charme & relax - Cipal Consortia
- Puglia Turismi Consortia
- Sviluppo Italia SpA Public Agency for Southern Areas Development
- Birdwildestination (Rural Development Programme 2007-2013)
- Medpaths (Adriatic IPA 2007-2013)
- Motor Incubatore Turistico Mobile (Italia-Slovenia Cross-border 2007-2013)
- Slow tourism (Italia-Slovenia Cross-border 2007-2013)
- NAP Network of Adriatics Parks (INTERREG IIIA Adriatico Cross-border)
- Transromanica (INTERREG IIIB CADSES)