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We firmly believe that the most clever intuitions and successful decisions are just a consequence of sound figures and convincing scenarios generated by professional research.
There is no space allowed to improvisation: minimising the risk of failure, means to take advantage of skilled professionals and advanced research methodologies.
We carry out ad hoc research and analysis, permanent monitoring projects, forecasting about markets evolutions, using both qualitative and quantitative methodologies, multivariate and univariate techniques.
- Market tests for the launch of new products
- Researches on brands/products awareness and perception
- Structure and evolution of consumers behaviour
- Market segmentation and identification of targets-objectives
- Customer satisfaction researches
- Product positioning
- Identification of markets variables and key factors
- Value chain analysis
- Sector analysis and competitive analysis
- Construction of scenarios, simulation and forecasting models
- Realisation of information systems for business diagnosis and business decisions
- Territorial and sectorial monitors
- Impact studies
- Study on the effects of climate change on the behavior of the users of a naturalistic area
- Research on customer reviews of hotels (published in international journals)
- Survey on demand segments of Slow tourism
- Economic impact study on the Province of Trapani as a result of a program of sportive events realized in the area
- Periodical monitors on Italian sport tourism
- Market research on the tourism potential of a Northern Europe (between Sweden and Danmark)
- Survey on travel agencies in Emilia Romagna
- Researches on Italians holidays abroad supporting the strategic and operational marketing of several foreign tourism boards
- Management of a Regional Tourism Monitor of Friuli Venezia Giulia
- Research Programmes on Italy's competitive position
- Research Programme in 5 European countries supporting the competitive plan for Ibiza
- Forecasting the tourism flows to Italy during the Football World Championship Italia '90
- Periodical tourism monitors on segments of Italian tourism market
- Research and impact analysis of the high-speed trains on labour market
- Analysis of the Italian demand for cruises and incentive travels
- International research programme on "Tourism and Environment"(EU DG XXIII)
CLIENTS (selection):
Organizations and Public Entities:
- European Union DG XXIII
- Italian Ministry for Tourism
- Province of Trapani
- Region of Emilia Romagna
- Region of Piemonte
Promotion and Development Agencies:
- Over 20 between National and Regional Governments and Tourism Boards: British Tourist Authority, Canada, Holland, Mexico, Norway, Belgium, Denmark, Wonderful Copenhagen, Fomento de Turismo de Ibiza, etc.
- Delta Po Park
- Tourism & Promotional Regional Board APT Friuli Venezia Giulia
- Tourism & Promotional Regional Board APT Servizi Emilia Romagna
Private Companies:
- Fair of Bologna
- Alitalia
- TAV Spa
- Quantas airlines
- Singapore Airlines
- Lufthansa
- Airports of Ancona Falconara
- Hotelplan
- Telecom Italia Lab
- Sigma Computer Reservation System
- Forte Hotels
- Climaparks (Italy-Slovenia Cross-border)